Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Heavy Twitter cloud no rain

Twitter is going mad for tweet cloud, chirpy looking bubble diagrams with lots of nice words are sprouting up everywhere - just like the one below, which is mine.

The clouds are made from the most commonly used words on Twitter from each user.

A few stand out from mine giving a few clues as to what topics I regularly discuss, although disappointly there are no Thai phrases - must tweet more in Thai.

Here's the shameless plug for my Thailand Twitter list (if you're an expat and don't know what Twitter is click here quick as you can) which is a compilation of the most active and interesting English-language Twitter users in/around Thailand.

The Twitter Thailand List

Follow the list if you're looking to follow new people from Thailand or want to keep up with what is being discussed. You can even embed the list on a blog or website as I've done **nods in the direction of a magnificent widget on the right hand side**

And if you're not on the list, my apologies, drop me a note with your details.

I thought posting this here rather than on Twitter might be interesting, then when I saw (the legend that is) Tim Footman post his (first) I knew it would be. Curse my lazy disposition and self-inflicted workload which stopped me posting anything at the weekend. This could've been original.


Martyn said...

Jon I am still struggling to get my head round Twitter but I'm slowly getting there.

I have made a few replies to your twitters but I don't think they've showed up so perhaps I'm doing something wrong or maybe I'm not on your list.

Jon said...

@HD - you're on the list now, not sure why you weren't initially. 'Human error'.

You should now find your message appear in the List.

I've seen your replies and responded, I think, so no problem on that front. I'd recommend downloading Brizzly - is a good way of running Twitter.