Thursday, 17 September 2009

Big Trouble In Thailand

'Big Trouble In Thailand' is a reality TV show focusing on the tourists abroad in Thailand.

The series is currently on Bravo (a minor satellite station) in the UK, though it is getting considerably more exposure on a number of Thai blogs which are discussing some of the pertinent topics it has raised - including rip-off scams, tourist behaviour and the tourist police.

The series is available through YouTube, and other internet video sites, though I've had neither the time nor inclination to watch more than a couple of snippets.

Talen, over at the excellent ThailandofSmiles blog, is doing a first-rate job of scrutinising the series.

He has already stirred a response from a senior member of the Thai Tourist Police, following some very astute comments about the organisation. His latest insight questions the the authenticity of some of the most controversials scenes and the series itself.

I won't dwell on this too much, check out ThailandofSmiles for more, but I do want to share this nugget of Englishness below.

I've been in Thailand approaching a year now, previous to which I lived and worked in London. Pricks like the guys in this video are sadly all over London, whether it is work, rest or play you can't miss them.

Watching this video helps me appreciate one of the things I love about life here in Thailand - the lack of English twats. Thankfully I live far from the beaten track of tourists.

Sure, I feel sorry for the guy who was involved in a nasty crime but the attitude of him and his friends - stupidly drunk and self-important while girlfriend floating around a police station in a bikini top - is typical of so many people back in England.

It will be interesting to see how I find the locals when we head back home for a 2 week sojourn next month.

Anyway, check out the video below, don't worry it is short, I promise.


Talen said...

I appreciate the kind words and links.

You know another thing that has really bothered me about the series so far that I haven't said much about is the Brits they are following.

I have a lot of British friends in Thailand and I have yet to see any of them act like twats.

The documentary isn't just giving Thailand a bad name but Britain's as well.

The second part of the documentary wasn't as bad as the first in regards to staging things but I did find it funny that they featured Paul Harris of the Pattaya tourist police volunteers...This is the guy that while off duty pepper sprayed a ladyboy on beach road while he was off duty but still acting in capacity of a tourist police volunteer.

Mike said...

Jon you summed up my feelings perfectly about "stupid English twats" since they are one of the main reasons I live here.

A good thing about the series is that it confirms in my mind that whatever the LOS throws at me its far better than life in the urban jungle of the UK.

I was, rightly I believe, once proud to be British. Now? Well I frequently get identified as an Aussie, which suits me fine!

Jon said...

@Talen, perhaps the less said about the tourists the better?

Britain already 'enjoys' one of the worst reputation for holidaying abroad, so damage to our nation is likely minimal.

Still, it saddens me that these people represent my country here.

Agree 100% re Harris - it is a joke that he is allowed to continue given that incident. Was there ever any come-uppance issued?

@Mike, lol, I'd still prefer to a Brit than an Aussie - but only as I'd get a lot of stick from Antipodean pals.

Originally we came to Thailand for the short-to-medium with a view to returning but there are a lot of factors making me consider staying permanently.

As I mentioned, our trip back home will be interesting and likely to influence our future country of residence.

Ben Shingleton said...

I love that - the Thai cops found somewhere 'near' the scene.. Oh OK he'll do LOL.

Although the young Brits are irritating, fair play to them, they didn't go ahead and get the guy charged, which would have been very easy for them... that would have really annoyed me.