Wednesday, 15 September 2010

A long overdue update

Haven't had the chance to update for a while as we're in the process of pretty significant change. After ranting about making plans for the future I decided the leave the world of freelance journalism (and give up my cherished M (for media) Visa) for an in-house marketing job at a big tech company in Bangkok.

Initially we stayed in Saraburi and I had the unenviable 2.5 hour (each way) commute in addition to a 9.00am - 6.00 pm job for my first tens 10 days, a combination which almost finished me off. However, after a through search, we moved into a nice two bedroom place in Bangkok last weekend...words can't fully express my delight at a new sub-30 minute commute to work.

As yet there is no internet at home hence the mini hiatus in posts, but rest assured I'll be back soon with plenty of content.

As for Saraburi, my in-laws remain there and I envisage we'll be making plenty of trips back at weekends, particularly as the missus is expecting late November/early December and will need some support looking after the little fella as she becomes less mobile. For now, all three (/four) of us are in Bangkok.

Before I sign off, a quick point to a great post at a newly discovered blog by Lat (aka @RatasitC) who covered the delights of the national park in Khao Yai (a place I know well) and curry puffs, a delicacy that originated in Saraburi and is closely associated with the town.

Check out the post here.